[DMWN #40] Learn React Context in 1 Minute ✨

Dillion Megida
4 min readMay 30, 2022

In this YouTube shorts, I explain what React Context is and how to use it in 1 minute

Happy new week : )

Trust you had a great weekend and you’re rounding up the month happy?

I’m sorry you didn’t hear from me in the last 2 weeks. For the first week, I didn’t have much resources to share, and for the second week, I had so many, I was disorganised and couldn’t settle down to compile them.

While I haven’t yet settled down completely, here’s what I have for you this week

What I did last week 😇

In the last few weeks, I’ve published many resources from my blog, to FreeCodeCamp, to Instagram (win of the week was I crossed 300 followers here 😇). I’ll share few of them here:

  1. I published a YouTube shorts: React Context in 1 minute where I explain how React Context works and how it solves the problem of prop drilling
  2. I published 10 Useful String Methods in JavaScript: Here, I highlight 10 string methods and how they work
  3. I published How to abort API requests in JavaScript: Here, I explain how to cancel API requests that haven’t been completed in JavaScript
  4. I published JavaScript Promises — The promise.then, promise.catch and promise.finally Methods Explained: In this article, I explain the different states of promises and how to manage these states with the promise then, catch and finally methods
  5. I published Minify CSS — CSS Minifying and Compression Explained: In this article, I explain the concept and relevance of CSS compression and tools to help you achieve this
  6. I published After Rejection Emails, what do you do next? — Here is my Tip on YouTube. In this video, I share a tip that has worked for me in some cases, which is asking for feedback after getting rejection emails
  7. I had an interview with Tariq, Product Design Lead where he shared the tips that helped him secure his first full-time job as a Junior Designer
  8. Following two CSS battles, I showed my process of Building a Tiger’s Eye and Building a Fork with HTML and CSS from scratch. Watch my CSS hassles, and tips and share in the videos.
  9. I published a YouTube shorts: Welcome to the Netherlands, where you’re rewarded for contributing to recycling ✨

Here’s a technical writing resource I created, Simplified Technical Writing, where I share most (if not all) of my experience in Technical writing. In it, I share how to get started, how to get topics, writing jobs you can apply for and so much more. Do check it out if interested and share : )

Featured Articles ✍️

  1. New in Google I/O 2022: Exploring the HTML Dialog Element: In Google I/O 2022, the Dialog Element was announced with more features especially for accessibility. Learn what’s new and what you can do with this element in this article
  2. CSS Functions — How to Use calc(), max(), min(), and clamp(): CSS is more than a stylesheet these days. There’s some programming going on also, such as functions, which this article explains.
  3. Creating a VS Code Theme: Do you want to make VS Code Themes? In this article, Sarah shares how she makes themes.
  4. 100+ Web 3.0 Common Terminology: If you want to learn about web3, check out this article for some of the popular/unpopular terms explained

Featured Videos 📹

  1. Which should you use, <img /> or background-image? A quick look at the tradeoffs, particularly for performance
  2. How did Victor get his first Full-time Job as a Junior Designer? Check out this interview I had with Victor, a Product Designer, where he shared the tips that helped him land his first full-time role
  3. How to Become a Web Developer in 2022!
  4. Learn useCallback In 8 Minutes: this video explains how the useCallback hook in React works
  5. 5 JavaScript Concepts You HAVE TO KNOW
  6. React Context in 1 minute — YouTube

Tool of the day 🛠

Do you know that you can easily setup a live server for your projects in your VS Code Editor? The Live Server extension serves this purpose. It creates a server on a port, and you can enter the localhost port on your browser.

Useful tip of the day ✨

npx unimported is a package/command tells you what dependencies are not being used in your code. This is useful to reduce the bundle size of your applications and keep only the things you need.

That’s it for this week.

I currently have an Instagram account @deeecode where I share code/tech tips from time to time. Do follow if you’re interested :)

If you’d like to talk about Tech (writing or software engineering) or have questions, you can schedule a meeting with me in my Calendly profile. Looking forward to meeting you.

As a content creator, I love simplifying diverse topics in web development that I understand. Do you have any issues, tools, or frameworks that you’d like to understand better? Do let me know, and I may come up with an article or video on it.

A new week, another opportunity to do amazing things! So go do amazing things 🚀.

Do have a splendid week 🌟

